In this episode (recorded at 5:08 p.m. on March 20), Dr. OiYan Poon and Dr. Crystal Garcia join Dr. Heather Shea to discuss the executive order to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education, the politicization of federal funding, and rising barriers for international students and scholars.

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Join editors of the book Critical Whiteness Praxis in Higher Education, Drs. Zak Foste and Tenisha Tevis as they discuss theoretical and practical approaches to critical whiteness in higher education.

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Dr. Carlton Green talks with host Raechele Pope about how racism often manifests in a culture of nice in higher education where white individuals hesitate to discuss race and racism openly and directly thus reinforcing long standing harms and racial trauma for people of color. Fear of being called racist often becomes more important than the fear of actually acting in racist ways. They also discuss how to move beyond the culture of nice in student affairs and higher education.

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The panelists discuss how college and universities can move beyond land acknowledgments. They provide questions for student affairs leaders to consider as more higher education institutions adopt land acknowledgements as a common practice.

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Leaders discuss innovative approaches to mental health and well-being for the most marginalized.

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Susan Muñoz discusses the new book From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Expanding Practitioner Knowledge for Racial Justice in Higher Education with two of the authors.

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Dr. Larry Roper discusses leadership, justice, parenting, and the changing nature of student affairs work over the past 30 years.

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Dr. Heather Shea discusses assessment practices in student affairs designed to promote social justice with Drs. Gavin Henning and Anne Lundquist. This conversation will explore broad philosophical shifts as well as practical techniques to promote equity-centered assessment.

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Join these scholars discussing white men on campus, privilege, race and racism, gender and sexism, social justice, resistance, and learning.

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Dr. Susana Muñoz talks with authors of Identity-Conscious Supervision with Robert Brown, Dr. Craig Elliott, and Dr. Shruti Desai. Guests explore topics around power, identity, and courageous leadership.

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