Dr. Keith Edwards explores design thinking as both a process and a mindset with two authors of the new book Design Thinking in Student Affairs and two students. The conversation explores wicked problems, learning from failure, empathy, assessment, equity, organizational change, and indigenous pedagogies.

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Student transitions have often captured our attention as we consider the various interventions and opportunities for engagement with new students on campus. For many campuses, this year brought two groups of first-time-on-campus students. Dr. Heather Shea discusses with Dr. Jennifer Keup, Brian MacDonald, and Dr. Laura Randolph the unique needs of the two cohorts of college students arriving for the first time on college campuses and other complications of the pandemic.

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The rise in the number of young people who identify as biracial or multiracial presents college campuses with an opportunity to expand their racial understanding to better serve this growing population and become more inclusive in the process. Improving the college experience for multiracial students will require modifying existing student data-collection methods and providing better resources and support to ensure their inclusion.

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The relationship between Higher Education and the U.S. Military has been both long and complex. The opportunity for student veterans to be afforded the opportunity for an education introduced rewards but new challenges in student services best effort to best support this population of students. Dr. Glenn DeGuzman sits down with Dr. Phillip Morris, Dr. Dani Molina, and Dr. Bruce Kelley to explore and discuss the challenges, implications, and practices that student affairs professionals should be aware of in order to best support our student veterans.

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Dra. Susana Muñoz facilitates a critical conversation about the vital role that community colleges play with three scholars/community college leaders. 

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College students with experiences in the foster care system are often not central to institutionalized support within student affairs and higher education. Dra. Susana Muñoz meets with Angela Hoffman Copper, Dr. Royel Johnson, and Kenyon Lee Whitman about ways higher education and student affairs can better support college students with foster care experiences.

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College student mental health and well-being is a priority across the United States because of the growing demand and increasing severity of mental health concerns (i.e., rising anxiety, depression, and suicidality) on campus. Many college and university counseling centers have waiting lists and struggle to meet the needs of all students. Additionally, many students are struggling but not reaching out for help. These challenges have led to innovation and re-imagining the most effective ways to meet the mental health needs of college students. Student affair professionals are well-positioned to play an important role in addressing this campus challenge because of their extensive contact and relationships with students.

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Case Studies as a tool for learning are ubiquitous in student affairs professional preparation programs. As faculty seek to provide theory-to-practice opportunities, case studies are often the tool.

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Dr. Keith Edwards discusses lessons learned over the past year and beyond on how to effectively engage students virtually. Rob Buelow, Dr. David Hibbler, and Alyssa Teubner share recommendations for those considering where and how to continue virtual student engagement beyond COVID-19.

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Dr. Heather Shea discusses assessing student learning and development outcomes with four assessment experts, including the co-editors of the new FALDOs book from CAS. Panelists share ways to streamline the process through frameworks as well as learn what various campuses are doing to build a culture of assessment.

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