While attending the 2025 ACPA Conference in Long Beach, California, host Glenn DeGuzman invited random attendees to come in front of the camera and answer the following question: "What topic or issue is very important to you now and that you want to engage with more in student affairs?” The myriad of responses is a reminder of the diversity of people, places, and positions that make up our profession.

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Listen in on a conversation with the ACPA Asian Pacific American Network (APAN) Leadership Team. While at the 2025 ACPA Conference in Long Beach, host Glenn DeGuzman invited members of the APAN leadership team, Sam Thornton, Wilson Deng, Em Nakamura, IC Ulep, and Yi Xuen Tay into his kitchen for a sit down conversation on a variety of API related topics and issues currently on the top of their minds. APAN represents APIDA issues and advocates for programs, services, research, and actions within the leadership of the Coalition for Multicultural Affairs and ACPA: College Student Educators International. The APAN Leadership team brought their voices to the table to speak about and react to issues that are relevant to them and their work on APAN and on their respective college campuses.

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In this episode, join Drs. Tanya Koroyan, Steve Sutton, and Jason Lynch join the podcast as they explore professional staff wellness for those who work in and around residential living and student affairs. This conversation brings together 3 professionals who each possess both research and practitioner experience in this topic. They will explore not only the conversations they are having with their peers, but also provide current research, practical strategies, and useful resources to build or enhance workplace wellness. 

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For over 4 decades, Harry Le Grande has been a student affairs senior leader innovating and breaking barriers through his no-nonsense and people-first approach philosophy. His career spans multiple institutions and holding senior executive positions at the University of California, California State University, and California Community College systems. His commitment to helping  underrepresented professionals break through the glass ceiling, maneuvering the politics of higher education, and championing the values of our profession is well documented in his professional career. Listen in to a master storyteller as he takes us down his professional journey and shares a bit about his thoughts about the future of student affairs.

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This podcast features a panel sharing their personal experiences and perspectives on topics in and around work modalities. Listen to their stories and hear about challenges of international work visas, the importance of finding work modalities that work for you, and reimagining ways to incorporate travel into your work and discover the joys of working abroad.

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Studies have pointed to the emerging increase of student affairs professionals leaving their roles and even opting to leave the field entirely. While there is a growing number of studies and testimonials why student affairs professionals are opting to leave their roles, there are also reasons why student affairs professionals choose to stay. In this episode, a panel of guests share their perspective on this topic and the retention and departure of student affairs professionals.

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At ACPA's 100th Anniversary Celebration held in Chicago, the hosts of Student Affairs NOW reflected on their respective journeys working together in developing, producing, and hosting a podcast as a form of public scholarship. The team shared behind-the-scenes stories of what it's like working together, discussed the expected and unexpected learnings during the growth of the podcast, and shared their reactions as Student Affairs Now reached the impressive milestone of 200 episodes in 2024. This episode was recorded at ACPA as part of a conference presentation.

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Dr. Glenn DeGuzman goes to Comic-Con International in San Diego to meet up with student affairs professionals who regularly attend the convention as presenters, volunteers, and participants. This special edition podcast focuses on how student affairs and higher ed professionals connect their geek/nerd identity with their professionals roles on campus. Podcast is great, but recommend viewing this episode on YouTube!

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What happens when SA Professionals become parents of college students? Dr. Glenn DeGuzman sits down with 3 parents who are also student affairs professionals to collectively reflect on their experiences of raising humans going to college. Join this lighthearted conversation with Mari Strombom, David Ruble and Dr. Shelah Crear as they share what they have been thinking about as their own kid(s) goes to college.

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The Student Affairs Now host community comes together to discuss crisis response, supporting students, creating communities of love and healing, and helping the helpers. In this deeply personal conversation, Heather Shea shares her experiences as a staff member in the aftermath of the tragedy at Michigan State University. Hosts offer Heather support and discuss ways to support students, lead campus response, and support our colleagues and friends. We hope you will never need this episode. If you do, we hope it is helpful.

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