What current trends are shaping campus recreation, fitness, intramural sports, and wellness initiatives? How has the field of collegiate recreation been impacted by the pandemic? How do campus leaders advocate for facilities and new interests of students? Host Dr. Heather Shea connects with Dr. Cara Lucia, Mila Padgett, and Dr. Wendy Windsor, the current and incoming leadership of NIRSA, the leaders in collegiate recreation, to discuss these questions and more.

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Dr. Keith Edwards discusses many different perspectives, approaches, and strategies for student success with the editor and two contributing authors of the new book How College Students Succeed. Drs. Nick Bowman, Jodi Linley, and Mary Murphy discuss models, issues of identity, equity, institutional agency, and practical implications for student success.

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Dra. Susana Muñoz interviews her dissertation advisor, Dr. Larry Ebbers, professor emeritus of Iowa State University, a pillar in the field of higher education. They discuss Dr. Ebbers' primary research area, community colleges. And, engage in great conversation about tenure and promotion, doctoral education, the challenges of the pandemic, and building communities of support in all institution types.

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Dr. Keith Edwards talks with Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, author of Trauma Stewardship and The Age of Overwhelm, about how to navigate the challenging experiences and systems that we experience directly and vicariously as an individual, as communities, and organizationally. This conversation discusses Buddhism and neuroscience, self-awareness and self-management, and community care and sustainability. They also discuss the importance of creating organizations that are honest, realistic, allow space for emotional processing, and are strategic about rethinking how to move forward.

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