Canceling the Culture of Nice in Higher Education

Dr. Carlton Green talks with host Raechele Pope about how racism often manifests in a culture of nice in higher education where white individuals hesitate to discuss race and racism openly and directly thus reinforcing long standing harms and racial trauma for people of color. Fear of being called racist often becomes more important than the fear of actually acting in racist ways. They also discuss how to move beyond the culture of nice in student affairs and higher education. Read More

Understanding the Lived Experiences of Multiracial People in Higher Education

The rise in the number of young people who identify as biracial or multiracial presents college campuses with an opportunity to expand their racial understanding to better serve this growing population and become more inclusive in the process. Improving the college experience for multiracial students will require modifying existing student data-collection methods and providing better resources and support to ensure their inclusion. Read More

Moving Beyond Land Acknowledgements

The panelists discuss how college and universities can move beyond land acknowledgments. They provide questions for student affairs leaders to consider as more higher education institutions adopt land acknowledgements as a common practice. Read More

Celebrating Our Listeners

In celebration of our one year anniversary as a podcast, this episode features the voices and perspectives from across the field of student affairs. Joining Dr. Heather Shea are four incredible student affairs educators participating from coast-to-coast discussing all of the ways in which their lives and work coalesce in higher education in service of students. Read More

Behind the Scenes at Student Affairs NOW

Production Assistant Nat Ambrosey sits down with the hosts of Student Affairs NOW to take you behind the scenes. They discuss how the podcast started, episodes to listen to and more, all for the 1 year anniversary of the podcast. Read More

Student Affairs Now Hosts

Meet the six student affairs educators who host the #SAnow podcast episodes every week, bringing to you the most current topics in the field of student affairs.

Mamta Accapadi

Mamta Accapadi

Mom, chocolate enthusiast, Bollywood fan, and student affairs educator based in Austin, Texas
Mamta’s Bio

Raechele Pope

Raechele Pope

Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer for the Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo
Raechele’s Bio

Glenn DeGuzman

Glenn DeGuzman

Associate Dean of Students
University of California, Berkeley
Glenn’s Bio

Keith Edwards

Keith Edwards

Speaker, Author, and Coach at
Keith’s Bio

Heather Shea

Heather Shea

Director, Pathway Programs in Undergraduate Student Success
Michigan State University
Heather’s Bio

Susana Muñoz

Susana Muñoz

Associate Professor & Program Coordinator
Colorado State University
Susana’s Bio

Here’s the Story Hosts

Neil E. Golemo

Neil E. Golemo

Director of Campus Living & Learning at Texas A&M Galveston
Neil’s Bio

Helena Gardner

Helena Gardner

Director of Residence Education and Housing Services at Michigan State University
Helena’s Bio

J.T. Snipes

J.T. Snipes

Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
J.T.’s Bio