From Student Affairs to the Presidency

Three college presidents discuss their journeys through student affairs, transitioning to the presidency, and lessons learned. Join Drs. Lori White, Frank Shushok, and Rob Kelly as they share their journeys. They discuss their student affairs capacities, the critical role of mentorship and guides, authenticity as leadership, and finding the joys in leadership in service of others. Read More

Critical Hope for Educators: Equity Analysis, Possibility, and Responsibility

Critical hope helps educators navigate the both/and of criticality and possibility while avoiding the harms of deficit mindsets, toxic positivity, and cynicism. In this episode, leading scholars of critical hope, Jeffrey Duncan-Andrade and Kari Grain, discuss the what, why, and how of critical hope. Read More

Student Affairs Legends Then & Now Featuring: Susan R. Jones

Rejecting outright the Student Affairs “Legend” title we ascribed to her, Susan Jones joins us to discuss her career as an award-winning professor, prolific author, and valued mentor to many in the profession. Listen in as she shares her hopes and fears for our future and the future of student affairs and higher education. BTW, we stand by our description of Dr. Susan R. Jones as a legend. Read More

Connecting with the Campus Ombuds Office: Neutral & Impartial Conflict Resolution

By definition, an ombudsperson is a role whose focus is neutral and impartial conflict resolution. They typically operate independently from the university and has no official or formal decision-making capabilities. Ombudspersons have been referred to as the “conscience of the university” -- working within campus communities to resolve conflict through identifying systemic issues and trends while focusing on fair treatment of individuals. These campus offices are also important partners with divisions of student affairs and college student educators. In this episode, Dr. Heather Shea speaks with four folks who serve as campus ombuds to learn more. Read More

Leadership Experiences of Student Body Presidents

Three student body presidents discuss their experiences and learnings. Jermaine Turner, Jael Kerandi, and Akheem Mitchell share the issues facing students, the critical role of making campuses inclusive for the success of all students, and understanding broader systems to navigate them as leaders effectively. They offer suggestions for student affairs professionals and current students considering pursuing this leadership role. Read More

Student Affairs Now Hosts

Meet the six student affairs educators who host the #SAnow podcast episodes every week, bringing to you the most current topics in the field of student affairs.

Mamta Accapadi

Mamta Accapadi

Mom, chocolate enthusiast, Bollywood fan, and student affairs educator based in Austin, Texas
Mamta’s Bio

Raechele Pope

Raechele Pope

Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer for the Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo
Raechele’s Bio

Glenn DeGuzman

Glenn DeGuzman

Associate Dean of Students
University of California, Berkeley
Glenn’s Bio

Keith Edwards

Keith Edwards

Speaker, Author, and Coach at
Keith’s Bio

Heather Shea

Heather Shea

Director, Pathway Programs in Undergraduate Student Success
Michigan State University
Heather’s Bio

Susana Muñoz

Susana Muñoz

Associate Professor & Program Coordinator
Colorado State University
Susana’s Bio

Here’s the Story Hosts

Neil E. Golemo

Neil E. Golemo

Director of Campus Living & Learning at Texas A&M Galveston
Neil’s Bio

Helena Gardner

Helena Gardner

Director of Residence Education and Housing Services at Michigan State University
Helena’s Bio

J.T. Snipes

J.T. Snipes

Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
J.T.’s Bio