Inside Student Affairs Now: Podcasting as Public Scholarship

At ACPA's 100th Anniversary Celebration held in Chicago, the hosts of Student Affairs NOW reflected on their respective journeys working together in developing, producing, and hosting a podcast as a form of public scholarship. The team shared behind-the-scenes stories of what it's like working together, discussed the expected and unexpected learnings during the growth of the podcast, and shared their reactions as Student Affairs Now reached the impressive milestone of 200 episodes in 2024. This episode was recorded at ACPA as part of a conference presentation. Read More

Connections and Learning: Paths to and Benefits of Professional Engagement & Development

Join three student affairs professionals as they share different paths to professional engagement, learning, and relationship building. Yasas Vithanage joins Drs. Amanda Knerr and Kelvin Rutledge to reflect on various professional engagement opportunities, lessons on getting involved, and the power of relationships. Read More

The Future of 2-Year Colleges: Exploring Trends, Needs, and Supports

Two-year colleges, including community, technical, and junior colleges, are focused on access, affordability, and equity; workforce development and career preparation; and serving their community's needs with agility. In this episode, two former chairs of ACPA's Commission for Two-Year Colleges and a current two-year college president discuss the growing student and institutional needs with limited resources and how associations like ACPA can better support professional development and student success in this critical higher education sector. Read More

Interfaith, Spiritual, Religious, and Secular (INSPIRES) Campus Climate Index

This episode offers a deep dive into the INSPIRES Index, providing listeners with valuable insights into fostering inclusive campus environments for students of diverse worldview identities. Panelists, which include researchers, faculty, and practitioners, examine the intersectionality of efforts to address religious, secular, and spiritual identities with broader diversity initiatives and explore how interfaith initiatives can contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable environment for students with intersecting minoritized identities. Read More

Exploring Chief of Staff Roles

Chief of Staff roles in and beyond student affairs often fall under the radar, go by many different names, vary widely, and can be both misunderstood and full of promise. In this conversation, two folks who have served in this role in multiple iterations define the role, discuss the complexities, and offer insights for institutions, principals, and those exploring the role for themselves. Read More

Student Affairs Now Hosts

Meet the six student affairs educators who host the #SAnow podcast episodes every week, bringing to you the most current topics in the field of student affairs.

Mamta Accapadi

Mamta Accapadi

Mom, chocolate enthusiast, Bollywood fan, and student affairs educator based in Austin, Texas
Mamta’s Bio

Raechele Pope

Raechele Pope

Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer for the Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo
Raechele’s Bio

Glenn DeGuzman

Glenn DeGuzman

Associate Dean of Students
University of California, Berkeley
Glenn’s Bio

Keith Edwards

Keith Edwards

Speaker, Author, and Coach at
Keith’s Bio

Heather Shea

Heather Shea

Director, Pathway Programs in Undergraduate Student Success
Michigan State University
Heather’s Bio

Susana Muñoz

Susana Muñoz

Associate Professor & Program Coordinator
Colorado State University
Susana’s Bio

Here’s the Story Hosts

Neil E. Golemo

Neil E. Golemo

Director of Campus Living & Learning at Texas A&M Galveston
Neil’s Bio

Helena Gardner

Helena Gardner

Director of Residence Education and Housing Services at Michigan State University
Helena’s Bio

J.T. Snipes

J.T. Snipes

Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
J.T.’s Bio