Comedian, keynote speaker, recovering student affairs professional, and author of The Humor Habit, Paul Osincup talks about humor as a skill you can develop to help with your personal well-being and to be more effective as a leader. He offers insights on the neuroscience of humor, helpful strategies to be funny (without being icky), and lots of laughs.

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Join three leadership scholars and practitioners as they discuss the International Leadership Association's General Principles for Leadership Programs. They focus on international contexts, colonization, culture, and critical perspectives. This conversation is relevant to leadership educators and leaders within and beyond higher education. How do we cultivate leadership informed by context and an international perspective?

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Studies have pointed to the emerging increase of student affairs professionals leaving their roles and even opting to leave the field entirely. While there is a growing number of studies and testimonials why student affairs professionals are opting to leave their roles, there are also reasons why student affairs professionals choose to stay. In this episode, a panel of guests share their perspective on this topic and the retention and departure of student affairs professionals.

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NASPA President Kevin Kruger joins us to look back and look forward on higher education trends, students, student affairs, and student affairs leadership. He shares the evolutions he has witnessed, the trends emerging, as well as his worries and hopes for what is ahead.

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