Associate Professor & Program Coordinator, Colorado State University

Dr. Susana Muñoz is Associate Professor of Higher Education, Program Coordinator of the Higher Education Leadership (HEL) Program, and Co-Director of CSU initiatives for the Race and Intersectional Studies for Educational Equity (RISE) Center in the School of Education at Colorado State University (CSU). Her scholarly interests center on the experiences of minoritized populations in higher education. Specifically, she focuses her research on issues of equity, identity, and campus climate for undocumented Latinx students, while employing perspectives such as legal violence, racist nativism, Chicana feminist epistemology to identify and deconstruct issues of power and inequities as experienced by these populations. She utilizes multiple research methods as mechanisms to examine these matters with the ultimate goal of informing immigration policy and higher education practices. Her first book “Identity, Social Activism, and the Pursuit of Higher Education: The Journey Stories of Undocumented and Unafraid Community Activists” (Peter Lang Publishing) highlights the lives of 13 activists who grapple with their legality as a salient identity. Her research can also be found in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies, the Review of Higher Education, the Journal of Student Affairs, Research, and Practice, and Teachers College Record. Dr. Muñoz has been honored by the White House Initiative for Educational Excellence for Hispanics for her teaching and research, she was also recognized as a Salzburg Global Fellow and named one of the “top 25 most influential women in higher education” by Diverse Issues in Higher Education magazine. She also brings 13 years of student affairs experience in multicultural affairs, greek life, diversity and leadership training, TRiO programs, and residence life.
Susana’s Episodes

In this conversation, Dr. Susana Muñoz shares the transformative experience of her sabbatical. She discusses her awakening, disconnecting her worth from work and productivity, listening to her body, and becoming more grounded and intentional with her energy and spirit. She also shares what this means for moving forward.

Episode Description Today, we celebrate our 100th episode with our special edition Student Affairs Now Social Hour. All five of our hosts and our production assistant Nat Ambrosey are joined by members of our learning community. The group discusses favorite episodes, other podcasts, pandemic lessons, summer plans, and what they are troubling now in student…

Dra. Susana Muñoz interviews her dissertation advisor, Dr. Larry Ebbers, professor emeritus of Iowa State University, a pillar in the field of higher education. They discuss Dr. Ebbers’ primary research area, community colleges. And, engage in great conversation about tenure and promotion, doctoral education, the challenges of the pandemic, and building communities of support in…

College students with experiences in the foster care system are often not central to institutionalized support within student affairs and higher education. Dra. Susana Muñoz meets with Angela Hoffman Copper, Dr. Royel Johnson, and Kenyon Lee Whitman about ways higher education and student affairs can better support college students with foster care experiences.