Universities and Gambling Partnerships

With increases in the legalization of gambling, particularly in sports, we see partnerships and endorsement deals between universities and gambling entities emerging. Today's guests bring expertise on gambling, the influence of money on athletics, and addiction and well-being. They discuss legalization, increased access to money and technology to gamble, and ethical institutional responses. The guests emphasize centering care for students, our role as educators and public health approaches to well-being. Read More

Learning in the Aftermath of Tragedy: Lessons from Michigan State University

The Student Affairs Now host community comes together to discuss crisis response, supporting students, creating communities of love and healing, and helping the helpers. In this deeply personal conversation, Heather Shea shares her experiences as a staff member in the aftermath of the tragedy at Michigan State University. Hosts offer Heather support and discuss ways to support students, lead campus response, and support our colleagues and friends. We hope you will never need this episode. If you do, we hope it is helpful. Read More

Introduction to CAS in Anticipation of the 11th Version

In anticipation of the release of the 11th version, several members of the Council for the Advancement of Standards or CAS leadership join host Dr. Heather Shea to provide an introduction to this valuable resource in the field. Panelists share their perspectives on CAS through a broad overview as well as specific ways that the CAS standards might be useful in graduate preparation, student affairs assessment, and program development. Read More

Student Affairs Legends Then and Now: Denny Roberts

Former ACPA President, leadership scholar, senior leader, and senior scholar Dr. Denny Roberts joins us to discuss his career and life journey. Themes of connection, innovation, and learning emerge as Denny discusses those who influenced him and his paths, his experimentation throughout his career, and the learning he has done, has led, and is still doing today. Read More

Social Justice Education at UMass Amherst Celebrates 30 Years

The Social Justice Education program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently had its 30th anniversary. In this conversation, a founding faculty member, Dr. Barbara Love, and two graduates, Michael Vidal and Dr. Tanya Williams, discuss this one-of-a-kind program and its role in elevating scholarship, teaching, and practice around social justice in many contexts, including student affairs. The guests explore content, process, pedagogy, self-awareness, being, skills, and liberatory consciousness. Read More

Student Affairs Now Hosts

Meet the six student affairs educators who host the #SAnow podcast episodes every week, bringing to you the most current topics in the field of student affairs.

Mamta Accapadi

Mamta Accapadi

Mom, chocolate enthusiast, Bollywood fan, and student affairs educator based in Austin, Texas
Mamta’s Bio

Raechele Pope

Raechele Pope

Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer for the Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo
Raechele’s Bio

Glenn DeGuzman

Glenn DeGuzman

Associate Dean of Students
University of California, Berkeley
Glenn’s Bio

Keith Edwards

Keith Edwards

Speaker, Author, and Coach at
Keith’s Bio

Heather Shea

Heather Shea

Director, Pathway Programs in Undergraduate Student Success
Michigan State University
Heather’s Bio

Susana Muñoz

Susana Muñoz

Associate Professor & Program Coordinator
Colorado State University
Susana’s Bio

Here’s the Story Hosts

Neil E. Golemo

Neil E. Golemo

Director of Campus Living & Learning at Texas A&M Galveston
Neil’s Bio

Helena Gardner

Helena Gardner

Director of Residence Education and Housing Services at Michigan State University
Helena’s Bio

J.T. Snipes

J.T. Snipes

Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
J.T.’s Bio