Strategies for Developing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Competencies with Faculty

On this episode, Dr. Amer Ahmed and Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington sit down with Heather Shea to explore practical and interactive techniques designed to effectively develop faculty competencies in the realms of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Often considered a challenging demographic to engage in meaningful DEI conversations, our panelists will discuss innovative methods to make these vital conversations both captivating and interactive. From syllabus backward design, to classroom environments, to attending to all students’ identities--our panelists contest that inclusive teaching is and should be fundamental in “good teaching." Read More

Geeking Out in Higher Education II: Student Affairs NOW goes to ComicCon

Dr. Glenn DeGuzman goes to Comic-Con International in San Diego to meet up with student affairs professionals who regularly attend the convention as presenters, volunteers, and participants. This special edition podcast focuses on how student affairs and higher ed professionals connect their geek/nerd identity with their professionals roles on campus. Podcast is great, but recommend viewing this episode on YouTube! Read More

Muslim Student Experience

Dr. Glenn DeGuzman sits down with Affaf Waseem, Dr. Faran Saeed, and Dr. Noor Ali to examine the complex issues and future challenges facing Muslim students on college campuses in the US. Read More

Faculty Roles in Advancing Racial Justice and Decolonization

Drs. Laila McCloud, Ericka Roland, Quortne Hutchings, and Ricardo Montelongo recently led the ACPA Faculty Racial Justice and Decolonization Institute. In this episode they reflect on the Institute experience and discuss love and wandering as pedagogy, freedom dreaming, ungrading, moving from docile bodies to critical spectators, and more. Read More

Using Our Time Strategically

Dr. Allison Vaillancourt is a higher ed leader, human resources expert, and a regular contributes thoughtful pieces to The Chronicle of Higher Education. In this conversation, she shares wisdom and insights on keeping things in perspective; organizing, structuring, and leading meetings; and reflecting on drains on our time, energy, and joy. This conversation is full of helpful invitations to reflect on and strategies to implement. Read More

Student Affairs Now Hosts

Meet the six student affairs educators who host the #SAnow podcast episodes every week, bringing to you the most current topics in the field of student affairs.

Mamta Accapadi

Mamta Accapadi

Mom, chocolate enthusiast, Bollywood fan, and student affairs educator based in Austin, Texas
Mamta’s Bio

Raechele Pope

Raechele Pope

Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer for the Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo
Raechele’s Bio

Glenn DeGuzman

Glenn DeGuzman

Associate Dean of Students
University of California, Berkeley
Glenn’s Bio

Keith Edwards

Keith Edwards

Speaker, Author, and Coach at
Keith’s Bio

Heather Shea

Heather Shea

Director, Pathway Programs in Undergraduate Student Success
Michigan State University
Heather’s Bio

Susana Muñoz

Susana Muñoz

Associate Professor & Program Coordinator
Colorado State University
Susana’s Bio

Here’s the Story Hosts

Neil E. Golemo

Neil E. Golemo

Director of Campus Living & Learning at Texas A&M Galveston
Neil’s Bio

Helena Gardner

Helena Gardner

Director of Residence Education and Housing Services at Michigan State University
Helena’s Bio

J.T. Snipes

J.T. Snipes

Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
J.T.’s Bio